Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trucks and dinner

When I was a kid I couldnt say the word truck as an adult I can hardly even spell most werds even with spell check,cause really I do not brother tom said I would say fuck for truck when I was 3.I dont know if this is true and I have yet to confirm it with mom.
so for any truck lovers and lovers of big mud puddles and mundane series of pictures here ya go.

Those pictures were taken at the end of my road in Big Sandy Mush Leicester NC 28748
meet me there sometime and we can do what the locals do..drink alot of beer,litter and watch the cars go by.

1 comment:

Miss Voodoo said...

what's neat about these pictures, is that there's another car coming on the other side way in the distance too - but i got so focused on the truck I didn't see at first.